Protection against terrifying bee bites while assuring the safety of bees is the primary motive behind the existence of bee clothing. With over 20 years of manufacturing expertise in preeminent beekeeping safety garments along with catering to specific manufacturing requirements of some of the leading beekeeping distributers and importers, bee clothing is a name to reckon within the field of bee safety garments export. ...
I have very aggressive hives. Last time I went thru my hives, I ended up being stung dozens of time thru my shirt and some always get in the veil. But when I wore the Beeclothings jacket and veil let me say, it's worth every penny!!! Went sting free for the first time .
Tanmay Bakshi
The quality of the products are very good and very comfortable to wear, no hassle.
Santanu Banerjee
High quality products at a very reasonable pricing..
Amarjit Singh Walia